Just to clarify, any mailing list I'm on is already part of my friends list. So don't worry about that.
I don't have as much to say as I hoped.
Anyway. I'm really enjoying the Demon: the Fallen campaign, now that I've replaced my evil suck dice. Going to see how Mage works with the power of new dice, and new ideas. I'm still really annoyed by a number of things, though.
Sterling and Jim both put a lot of stock into the World of Darkness, and I think the main problem the both of them have is that they can't eye the WoD as anything less than a unified front. They can't look at one thing in it (say, for example, Werewolves) without also imagining how it works with some other thing (like, oh, Demons).
Except that everyone knows that White Wolf did not balance them for one- another, so it's pretty much not going to work.
Knowing that, both Sterling and Jim act like the WoD works with all facets of itself entirely, even though it really doesn't.... Which results in some interesting details. Anyway.
I'm also in an Exalted campaign, playing a Lunar in a Solar circle. I feel kind of like a power-gamer, except that my character is probably one of the least combat-capable characters there. It's fun, either way, though.
I'm contemplating building a Sixth Age Exalted/WoD game, where after the WoD ends in the Apocylpse campaign, the Exalted return. Details on this will, of course, require seeing how the PCs usher in the Sixth Age. They could preserve the world. They could iredeemably change it.
Should be fun to see.
Hmm. Come to think of it ... I've found that running a shorter campaign is actually kind of fun ... seems to work better than my sprawlingly epic designs of little content. Hmm.