Whirlpool of Depravity


Untitled - 2004-08-11 23:48:00

August 11, 2004 at 11:48 PM | categories: Uncategorized

After serious thought (and equally serious lack of potent drugs) I have come to the following conclusion:

I can't handle customer service anymore.

So. Stress at work has been building, and getting to me, slowly but surely. The long and short of it is that I don't enjoy CS. But before that, the department where I work is exceedingly poorly handled ... the management is trying, but the technical issues and the lack of training means pretty much everyone in level one tech support (in CS, basically), can't do anything but apologize and promise vaguely that a real technican will call them back. Maybe.

I'm tired. I want to handle documentation. I don't have any prospects. I'm moving at the end of the next month, and will need a lot of money for the first month of rent, and the deposit. So I'm going to be casting my lot as a temp. Whee~!

Before I go, I'm drawing up a massive list of things that could be done to improve the department, and make it more workable. I know a few other techs that are there are unhappy ... but many have a higher tolerance for stress than I do, so maybe I can at least help make it more manageable for them before I go.

That's pretty much it.

The story of the three hour march to light rail just doesn't seem important anymore.