Masamichi45 fails a willpower roll.
Shairthewm: Does that mean you cover my back as I proceed to explode and kill everyone east of here?
Masamichi45: No.
Masamichi45: But it does mean I play in Rez's game.
Shairthewm: Cool. I'll be happy once I retain the ability to feel an emotion other than just simmering annoyance. =)
Masamichi45: Very well.
Masamichi45 me uses mind three and correspondence two to visualize the perfect world, containing all elements of everything that would ever be needed to have a good time, and then uses that as a blueprint for an actual world, which is assembled via spirit two, prime three, matter three, and forces two, with entropy one thrown in for good measure.
Masamichi45: Now we've got a world that's perfect in concept, function, and form.
Masamichi45: With mind two correspondence two, we can basically use a connection between the two of us to actually even plan it out better before hand, which I will do with two amazing rolls.
Masamichi45: One of which is my charisma + performance roll, to GM an awesome game, and one of which is my manipulation + high rituals roll, to make the act of gaming actually BE the spell described above.
Masamichi45: We can toss in a manipulation + subtrefuge roll to make any non- awakened players in the game Acolytes, which inadvertantly lower the difficulty of all such rolls.
Masamichi45: Which will use my die pool of manipulation three and subtrefuge three in addition to your die pool of manipuation two and subtrefuge two (divided by two) to get eight dice to pull this off, AND stack any extra successes in the following High Ritual roll.
Masamichi45: :)
Shairthewm: It also gets a +1 from leaving me dizzy yet still able to follow all the major dice rolls.
Masamichi45: That means I just turned you into an Acolyte.
Masamichi45: So any normally vulgar effects from me are coincidental around you.
Masamichi45: But NOT around other typed of mages.
Masamichi45: Though, since I'm a dual tradition Cultist of Extacy/Verbena, you'll have all of the most friendly mages on your side, as well as the most frightening and willing to become inhuman.
Masamichi45: When you awaken, if you take me as your mentor, you get to enjoy not one, but TWO Tradition Specialty spheres.
Masamichi45: Time and Life.
Masamichi45: Which, if you have both at three, will allow you to get your head cut off at the begining of a fight, but stay alive and able to fight until the scene ends.
Shairthewm: Oooh. Time control!~
Masamichi45: At which point you will die unless some nearby ally reattaches your head and undoes the damage REALLY FAST.
Masamichi45: Note: Doing things REALLY FAST with time two, prime three (which I have!) is surprisingly trivial.
Masamichi45: I can literally create time, giving myself as many extra actions in a given round as I roll successes on my arete.
Masamichi45: Assuming I prepare this in advance, and make an extended roll, I can cut my successes in half to have their effects last the entire scene.
Masamichi45: IE., with ten successes (assuming I risk a good six, seven rolls), I can act six times every round, with no penalty on any action, unless I split my die-pool.
Masamichi45: With mind one, time one, I can ALSO add the effect of 'multitask', which means that if I am physically capable of it, I can perform as many actions as a SINGLE action as my Wits stat.
Shairthewm: Wow, that's some nifty extra action.
Masamichi45: With a wits of three, this means I can move, shoot someone, AND begin the effects of a High Ritual. At the end of one round, I will have driven off the enemy, and set up the field for my next spell. Since you can only really use one magical effect at a time, that means I've shot six people, kicked six more, and then carved six sigils on my own arm AND the arms of my allies that bind us all together, so that with time two, prime two, mind one and correspondence of one, I then bind all of the actions of myself and my allies together.
Masamichi45: This means that in the next round of combat, assuming I get a single success on my effect roll (and I act first, BTW), all of my allies get as many actions as I do every round.
Shairthewm: We then tear down the empire state building.
Shairthewm: With our bare hands.
Shairthewm: and throw it at the enemy.
Masamichi45: Not yet!
Masamichi45: Then we've got someone ELSE use mind two, cor one, entropy three, so that all of us percieve EVERYTHING around us, but not only are we aware of it, we know EXACTLY what to do to perfectly optimize any action we take, lowering our difficulties for all actions by as many successes as that person rolls (hint: Spend a willpower on this one).
Masamichi45: You may want to add time to the above to make it even more powerful and last the entire scene.
Masamichi45: With this done, you and four friends can probably take apart an entire army of any living thing.
Masamichi45: You can add forces, life, and matter to make everyone able to soak agg damage, add automatic successes in force to any attacks them make, and regenerate throughout the combat.
Masamichi45: With that kind of power, though, you're getting something like a hundred actions each every minute. There's no way you can have that much power and keep it coincidental.
Masamichi45: But that's okay!
Masamichi45: We have the final mage whip out a spirit three, entropy two, prime three rote which (while expensive) causes the entire area, which is becoming innundated with paradox to break out of reality, and into the umbra, where all paradox is mitigated outside of supremely extreme circumstances.
Masamichi45: So your enemies have now been ripped out of reality and are descended on by a pack of time enhanced mages, who have all ALSO been buffed beyond human comprehension in terms of power (they have physical stats which would cause paradox outside of the umbra, not to mention metal skin, and any attack they make automatically generates fire, lightning, and gouts of primal soul-tearing energy impact whoever they hit AND they're perfectly able to know what the exact best way to accomplish their task is).
Masamichi45: This is when you pick up the entire world and beat your enemies with it.
Masamichi45: Granted, you need a week of preperation going into this, and the aftereffects are going to get you BANISHED into the umbra for a month before your paradox is down to managable levels, but, hey.
Masamichi45: You can do anything.
Masamichi45: Or, I guess, you could use entropy and time one to see it coming and just turn left at the intersection.
Masamichi45: But where's the fun in that?
Shairthewm me returns from another delightful call.
Masamichi45: Hmm? What happened?
Masamichi45: Cor one, spirit one, mind one to share feeligns of good will. Forces one to make it work across the internet!
Shairthewm: Oh. Translated phonecall: "I'd just like to let you know that I chewed you out earlier just for the fun of it. I'm now calling so that you can apologize to me for me chewing you out and to make sure you learn a LESSON from this. Yeah, and No, I still haven't handled the deal yet."
Masamichi45: Okay.
Masamichi45: We go back to the high ritual plan.
Masamichi45: Get swords and axes ready. Only bother with guns if you've got several thousand rounds of ammo. We're going to be moving REALLY fast.
Shairthewm: hugs masamaichi for being a good friend I approve of any plan that involves stabbing things with swords and axes.
Masamichi45: Well.
Masamichi45: We'll see how you feel about things when we're stuck in the umbra for a month whoring out quintessense to bribe spirits to take paradox from us.
Shairthewm: =D