Whirlpool of Depravity


Untitled - 2004-10-26 09:52:00

October 26, 2004 at 09:52 AM | categories: Uncategorized


I have a new place. I move in on Thursday. Ironically, it's quite likely that my first update to my blog there will be entry number 100.

I've never had a place of my own before. Setting up utilities are annoying, but it's good to have things done. So I've got phone, and electricity. Gas is taking a bit longer, since PG&E has a wait time of something like an hour and twenty minutes (Jebus!). But now ... I must undertake the most unfortunate of projects.

Having my DSL service taken down so I can transfer it. Which means I'll be without a net connection. And can focus on filling my room with easily transportable boxes. Mmm. Boxes.

Well, I'm looking forward to the new place, so ... happy day! And all of you need to tell Wally how cool he is, because without him loaning me some cash (for ... one ... day ... damn you, need for cashier's checks!) I wouldn't be able to get the place. :D