Whirlpool of Depravity


Untitled - 2007-08-06 18:06:00

August 06, 2007 at 06:06 PM | categories: Uncategorized


Moved, finally. So the House of Peter is behind us, we're all comfortably ensconced in the new place (three permanent roommates, one temporary), and the good times just keep on rolling. So, a few days after we'd moved in, since I took four days off for the move, I went down to the DMV, and got a license. Shortly after that, I arranged to meet with Peter to discuss his cat (Punk), and offer to take care of her if he couldn't.

So I now have a new cat (she's so precious! (I'm too lazy to upload pictures right now)), a new car, and a new ca...p? Actually, it's an old Christmas present. But I'm wearing it now, so it kinda works.

At any rate, things are going well, so very little to kvetch about.